LeBron James Has Secret Love Child?!



Does LeBron James has a secret love child? The Miami Heat player has reportedly fathered a child with a Cleveland Ohio reporter by the name of Sharon Reed.

According to a close source, the two met in Cleveland, Ohio where King James once played basketball, and where Sharon Reed worked for the news station WOIO.

Apparently she has been Lebron’s side piece for a LOOOOONG time, dating back to when he was the star NBA player for the

Cleveland Cavaliers. Rumor has it, that Lebron took good care of Sharon financially when he was in Ohio.

Starting new beginnings, James decided to go to Miami and play with the Heat. Moving forward and focused starting his new life in Miami with his family leaving his past in Cleveland, drama and all. Ironically everything but Sharon. Sharon kept the romance going, flying to Miami visiting Lebron. Pursuing a “someone else’s man” and by all means necessary. Word on the street is one of those visits Sharon and Lebron James conceived a baby.

“All of a sudden Sharon popped up single and pregnant” while still anchoring the news at WOIO. Sources claim she staged an imaginary fiancé, to keep the secret romance going and not to expose James.

The rumors swirled so much at her job that they fired her while she was on maternity leave. The single mother hasn’t found another job yet because she has access to Lebron and all of his millions, allegedly being paid quite well to lay low!

Lebron must really love Savannah finding a sidepiece that looks like his main girl. Bron Bron do better!!

Sharon looks exactly like Savannah.

This explains the sudden marriage proposal to long term high school sweetheart Savannah, after 2 kids with her already.

“The Station fired Sharon on maternity leave because she has a morals clause in her contract. Word from management is that a few years back she asked to do sports for the station besides her regular duties because she was trying to get close to Lebron. The Cavaliers had words with WOIO to keep her away because the Lebron situation was getting out of hand. Then Lebron left Cleveland so everyone thought it was over til she popped up pregnant.

Word on the street is Lebron has paid a lot of money to keep her quiet, and will not even consent to taking a paternity test.

Sources say Lebron has LRMR, his PR company that was created to take the heat for situations such as this.

Savannah DID have an abortion in the midst of all this, more heart breaking for Savannah, Sharon has a baby girl.

Lebron felt like it wouldn’t look good for his career for Savannah to be popping out all these kids, and him not stepping up to marry her.

Savannah always wanted a little girl too.. SMH!!!

This is so messy!!!

Interesting timing….considering LeBron and the Miami Heat’s recent NBA championship win.

This “source” sounds like they know quite a bit actually. Do you think it’s true? Does LeBron have a secret love child?!

Shout out to TattleTailzz.com for the tea.

(Photo: Getty Images)


About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)


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