Lindsay Lohan Reveals She Had A Miscarriage



Lindsay Lohan has just made a shocking announcement. During the season finale of OWN network docu-series, “Lindsay,” the troubled 27 year old actress revealed that she suffered a miscarriage during filming.

Questions arose when Lohan had gone missing for two weeks during filming of the series. She would later reveal that that was a direct result of her miscarriage.

“No one knows this: I had a miscarriage for those two weeks I took off,” she said. “It’s a very long story.”

“That’s why, on the show when it says, ‘She doesn’t want to come down,’ I couldn’t move; I was sick,” Lohan said. “Mentally, that messes with you.”

While reflecting back on the docu-series and watching the playbacks Lohan says, “I cried so many times watching it.”

“Watching this series, I just know how I felt at that moment, and I can relate to that girl. Like, ‘Oh my God, this is really sad. Who’s helping her?’ … There was a lot going on in my life then.”

The eight-part series documented Lohan’s recovery process following her release from rehab last July and her move to New York City.

Lohan also reflected on how her alcoholism and substance abuse issues has affected her acting career.

“Even if it’s not my intention to lose everything I’m now working for, that’s what this addiction will do to me. It’s a really f***ked-up disease, and it’s really scary,” she reflected. “(Now) I’m in a good place, and I don’t want to mess with that. It feels good, and I’m happy. The biggest thing I’ve learned from this experience and doing this show is that my work ethic is different. I have that fire back in me.”

Check out some of the highlights of the season finale of “Lindsay” and share your thoughts.

It’s also been rumored that Oprah Winfrey has decided to cancel season 2 of the docu-series. The decision may have been in part to the lack of viewership and/or the belief that Lohan still isn’t ready to fully commit to rehabilitation.

As for the father of Lohan’s child? She’s reserved the right to keep quiet about his identity.

Meanwhile, some of Lohan’s critics, who’ve ousted out for making fabricating stories in the past, do not believe she ever had a miscarriage.

Well, what are your thoughts?



About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)

1 Comment

  1. Hollywoodhiccups on

    It’s understandable for people to not believe her, if she has fabricated stories before; I wonder if the miscarriage is true or not, if it is that must have been difficult to go through.

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