Love And Hip Hop: Atlanta”s MiMi Faust Says Stevie J & Joseline’s Engagement Isn’t Real



‘Love And Hip Hop: Atlanta’s Mimi Faust recently spoke to radio personality TT Torrez on all those Stevie J and Joseline engagement rumors among other things.

Mimi elaborates on the fact that she’s only known Stevie for 15 years and not actually with him for 15 years. She also says they weren’t together when he was in any other relationship or when he had any of his kids. She also says she knew nothing of the affair and she finds out more and more and relives the details every Monday night along with the rest of us.

On getting Joseline pregnant Stevie J apologized to MiMi only saying that “It happened. I’m sorry.”

As for whether she sees herself going back to him, she couldn’t really answer and says watch the show.

And on the engagement she says, “Oh gosh, come on, stop it.”

Check out the interview below.

Earth to MiMi Faust, woman go get your life.

When a man blatantly disrespects and cheats on you and you repeatedly take him back it’s all YOUR fault. There’s only much sympathy we can give to a woman who allows herself to look like a fool. Even if Joseline and Stevie J don’t walk down the aisle, the simple fact they can parade their “real or fake” relationship in your face and you can’t say for sure whether or not you’ll take him back doesn’t make you look all that well either.

We know, we know, we’re judging you and no one is perfect but you’re also making yourself look more like a fool with each interview.

We hope you get to a point (real soon ) where you know that you don’t need him not even for any emotional and mental gratification he gives you when he tells you exactly what you want to hear and woo you back into his arms. Your daughter deserves to see you do better and get better no matter the man you eventually settle down with. And, if you don’t know by now, Stevie ain’t it! Even if he is her father. Blessings to you.


About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)

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