Madame Tussauds Reveals Four Whitney Houston Wax Figures in Her Honor


Today the famous Madame Tussauds museum revealed four wax statues in Whitney Houston‘s honor. This is the first time in 200 years that someone has been honored with this number of statues. Shown today in New York City, the different wax figures will be displayed in separate cities. The four statues represent iconic moments in the late singer’s life. On hand for the reveal were Houston’s brother and her sister in law, Gary and Pat Houston. Pat replied, “We were extremely honored when Madame Tussauds approached us about doing four figures of Whitney from different points in her 30-year career. This is something we are excited to do for the fans.” Houston passed away last year due to an “accidental drowning.”

(Photo Credits: Reuters/AFP/Getty Images)


About Author

I am new to blogging...but let me tell you I have been writing since I was 5 years old. My mom still has the mini books that I made in Kindergarten. As a single mother of two boys and a full blown Gemini, my outlook on life has many ups and downs. Nothing frees me more than writing. My biggest prayer is that my words help someone who is going through rough times and makes them smile...or at least laugh a little.


  1. Annemarie on

    I liked the, they are a nice representation of Whitney!

  2. TractHer TrailHer (@TrctHerTrailHer) on

    They look just like her!!!

  3. Kia on

    nice go whitney its one year ago we lost her

  4. Sarah on

    Most wax figures look like shit. They spent extra time on Whitney’s! Very well done.

  5. Eh, they look alright….

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