Mag Fab: Rihanna Rules The World On ‘Billboard’, Keyshia Cole Speaks Music, Love, Family, Jay Z & Beyonce With ‘Rolling Out’


Rihanna has total world domination would you say? Billboard magazine seems to think so and I don’t disagree. It seems the singer can’t do no wrong. Check out Billboard’s latest magazine cover featuring Ri Ri for their November/December issue.


Rihanna is totally killing this cover. She’s currently in the midst of her 777 Tour (7 cities, 7 countries, 7 days) where she enlisted a group of reporters/media outlets and fans to join her on her private jet as she conquers the world. Sounds fun, right?!

Her seventh album, ‘Unapologetic’, will be released this Tuesday, November 19th.

And here’s the lovely Ms. Keyshia Cole.


The singer sits down Rolling Out and dishes on why she’s named her album ‘Woman To Woman’, the disappointment of her last album, meeting and falling in love with her husband Daniel Gibson, and her respect for Beyonce and Jay Z‘s relationship and what she wants her legacy to be. Great interview.

The title of your album, Woman to Woman, what’s the meaning behind it?
It’s for women who have been through similar situations and can relate to me. It’s for all women. It’s also a personal statement. It has been 10 years since I signed to Intersope. I became a woman before everyone’s eyes. The [photo composite] illustration on the cover was created because some of the songs aren’t exactly about me, but they are stories that a lot of women can relate to.

The last album didn’t do as well as your other work. Why didn’t it resonate with fans?
I was pregnant. I was going through a lot with my family at the time. Some of the songs were about them. It was an extremely emotional time and it reflected on the album. When you’re pregnant, you’re 10 times more emotional about everything. There was just a lot going on back then.

During that time, you also fell in love. Do you remember the day you realized Daniel was the one?
I thought he was beautiful the first time we met. We had been talking for months before we physically met each other. We had ups and downs in our relationship, and we grew from it. When you make a commitment to marriage, you have to be serious about it. You can love the person you are with, but you have to be sure that you’re ready to make that commitment. This is not only for when times are good — marriage is for the remainder of our lives. [It’s for] building a life and making the best life for your children.

Are there any couples in entertainment you admire for being examples of a strong family?
I respect Beyoncé and Jay-Z, because I know how hard it can be to stay in love in this business. In the beginning, it appeared as if Jay-Z knew Beyoncé had work to do. I respect that. You can’t go into a relationship trying to change someone. You have to grow with that person and go through everything with them. That’s one thing that I noticed and I respect about them. Of course, I’m not with them every day, but that’s what I see from the outside looking in.

How do you balance family life with a hectic road schedule?
I can’t do it alone. It takes a village to raise a child. I have family who help me when I need it. My son’s grandparents have also been very helpful. [His grandfather] recently spent two weeks with us, and for him to see his papa was wonderful.

What do you want your overall message to be for those who relate to your songs?
I didn’t have great examples while coming up in Oakland. I was able to look to examples in the industry such as Brandy. She was able to do a lot at an early age. In Mary J. Blige I saw strength. She never gave up. That’s what I want to leave behind. I want young women to know that where they start doesn’t have to be where they finish. You have to take it a day at a time. You go through things, you learn and you keep fighting.

For more on Keyshia’s full interview head over to Rolling Out.

Her fifth studio album ‘Woman To Woman’ will also be released this upcoming Tuesday, November 19th.


About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)

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