Miley Cyrus Covers Cosmopolitan March 2013 Issue, Already Married?



Miley Cyrus has certainly grown up. The former Disney starlet covers the March issue of Cosmopolitan magazine and she looks stunning. In her sit down interview with the magazine the star talks about her return to music, staying in her own lane, and she even refers to fiancé and actor Liam Hemsworth as her hubby! Are the two already married? Interesting… Find out more when you check out Miley’s interview below.

Cosmo: If I asked you to rank the parts of your life that you feel most satisfied with–love, family, music, acting–what would be at the top?
Miley: Number one is my relationship with Liam. That’s what I feel the most confident in because you never know; there’s so much hype behind my new record, but it could come out and, worst-case

Cosmo: But you seem proud of it.
Miley: Definitely, it’s the second thing that I’m most content with. I’ve never gotten to make a record like this because Disney’s always been on my back saying, “You’ve got to promote the TV show in two months, so make sure your record’s done…and when you promote your record, can you promote the show, the movie, and the Hannah Montana record?” I was basically carrying two people’s careers and trying to make mine the priority. Now, it’s almost like being a new artist and trying to make a first impression. I think the best thing I could have done was take those two years off to really live, because now people don’t think of me as who I was on the TV show.

Cosmo: Do you think they ever really did? When pictures from your personal life would leak, they presented a very different image than Hannah Montana.
Miley: Some of the worst things that have happened in my career, like things getting leaked, have actually been what’s best for me, because people knew when I was on that show that I was really growing up. I never faked anything. I never played the Disney game of smiling and being a princess and then suddenly having a hard time, saying, “That isn’t who I really am.”

Cosmo: You collaborate with many unexpected names on this record. Safe to say you have a new sound?
Miley: I wrote this song with Mary J. Blige, and Tyler the Creator heard it and said, “I am obsessed with this song, and I will guest on it if you promise me that you will keep it on the album.” And he killed it! I really didn’t want to make a hip-hop record, and I’m not trying at all to be a Rihanna or a Nicki [Minaj]….That’s not my vibe. When I was growing up, my older brother would sneak me Nelly CDs, my dad had me listening to Dolly [Parton] and Johnny [Cash], and my mom is a complete metal head. So this record is a weird mixture of all that.

Cosmo: Unlike a lot of musicians, you celebrate your competition.
Miley: Katy Perry’s been my friend for fucking five years, and I’m not ever gonna let our work get between that relationship. If Katy sticks with being Katy, and Ke$ha is Ke$ha, and Rihanna is Rihanna, and I’m me, there’s room for everybody. The problem is when people look at Gaga and say, “Oh, that works; I’m going to be like that.”

Cosmo: What are you listening to?
Miley: Frank Ocean’s record is so good. And I like that he came out and admitted he was gay, because that still affects people’s careers. If you don’t think it does, it fucking does, and he did not care. I think it’s going to make him even bigger.

Cosmo: Let’s talk about Liam. Do you ever have these moments when you’re still struck by how hot he is?
Miley: Yeah, all the time! I’ll literally look at him and be like “You are hot, dear god!” The other day, I turned on the pool heater and it was steaming, and he walked outside and took off his clothes and jumped in the pool. I was like, “I’m gonna faint–the hottest guy of my life is in a steaming pool. This looks like a Playgirl shoot.” So I took a photo and made it the background on my phone. My best friend grabbed my phone and was like, “Who’s that? He is so hot!” That’s my hubby!

Continue reading over at Cosmopolitan.

Here’s a behind the scenes look of the shoot.


About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)

1 Comment

  1. calvinblanco on

    She’s so amazingly hot. I used to really dislike her but the image change and the maturity are things that are starting to attract me to her. Too bad she’s engaged!

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