MTV Set For Amy Winehouse VMA’s Tribute


Amy Winehouse Did Not Die Of Drug Overdose

Earlier in the week, Amy Winehouse‘s toxicology report revealed she was not under the influence of any illegal drugs when she died. Although alcohol was detected, it is still unclear as to what actually killed the UK singing sensation.

It was also announced earlier in the week that Winehouse would be paid tribute to on behalf of MTV. A tribute they’ve included in this year’s annual Video Music Awards. A slew of performers, including Lady Gaga, Adele, and Tony Bennett, will pay homage to the late artist, highlighting her greatest hits and contribution to music.

Adele, making her first ever performance during the VMAs,  has listed Winehouse as one of her musical inspirations, no surprise there.  Gaga has had some very kind words about the late artist as well and as for Bennett, he’s a bit of an unusual pick. However, Bennett has his reasons  for wanting to be apart of this tribute. It seems, he and Winehouse collaborated together before her untimely death back in July.  The recording session was Winehouse’s last, as the duo recorded ‘Body and Soul’ for Bennett’s upcoming Duets II album, out Sept. 20.

According to Amy’s label, ‘Body and Soul’ will be released on Amy’s birthday, Sept. 14 and an album may soon follow. The album would include the 12 unreleased records she recorded before her death in anticipation for a third album release.The title of the album is not yet revealed.

(Source: Pop Crush/Hollywood Reporter)
(photo: Zimbio)

About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)

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