Naomi Campbell Is Trying To Convince Us She’s Not Crazy!



Naomi Campbell insist her phone throwing, beating people up and acting like a total bitchy diva days are behind her. She says she’s not crazy. Oh, are they now? In an exclusive interview with Life & tyle the model says,

“When I’m not working or anything, I try to live a private, quiet life. I’m a gypsy, I want to see the new wonders of the world and spend quality time with the people I love. I gave up drinking alcohol. Not drinking makes me a lot happier.”

The calmer side of Naomi may be attributed to her four year relationship with Russian billionaire, Vladislav Doronin. Wait, isn’t he still married?

We will also be seeing much more of Coo-Coo Campbell. She’ll be a panel judge of photographer Nigel Barker’s new model show “Face Off”. The show is set for premiere some time this February on Oxygen. Catch the preview below.

Anyway, find out more about Naomi’s new leaf on life when you head over to Hollywood Hiccups.

“Face Off” Preview

(Photo: Jason Kempin/Getty Images)


About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)

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