Nas Releases “Daughters” Song, Baby Mama Goes On Twitter Rant


Nas‘ baby mama, Carmen Bryan, clearly did not appreciate his new song, released today, about “Daughters”.

In fact she’s pissed! Here’s what she tweeted.

Nas Baby Mother Carmen Goes On Twitter Rant

And when a twitter follower responded, she quickly retweeted them.

Nas Baby Mother Carmen Goes On Twitter Rant 2

She also dished out several derogatory comments to a few responders before ending with…

Nas Baby Mother Carmen Goes On Twitter Rant 3

And there you have it.

So, what’s all this fuss about? Just listen to the song.

Do you think Carmen’s right for blasting Nas on twitter? Even if he is/was a bad father, responding so negatively in such a public forum can only bring more harm than good right?

*Update*: Initially when I was tipped off that Carmen had begun ranting, I responded to her with a few tweets of my own. Here’s what I wrote,

Cotten Kandi Responds To Carmen Bryan After Twitter Rant

A few hours later, to my surprise, she replied back.

Carmen Responds To Cotten Kandi After Twitter Rant
She agrees with me.

Darn it! Now I feel bad for even writing the story. But here was my respond to that.

Cotten Kandi Responds To Carmen Bryan After Twitter Rant 2

Carmen has since gone on to respond to some of her haters.

What are some of your thoughts? sound off!


About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)