Rumor Has It: Porsha Stewart May Be Pregnant! And There’s No Pre-nup For Mrs. Kordell Stewart!



Porsha Stewart may finally be expecting! After suffering a miscarriage which she disclosed on The Wendy Show, Stewart may have some big news coming up soon.

Just yesterday the ‘Real Housewives of Atlanta’ star posted a photo of herself on Instagram where she’s smiling from ear to ear. She writes, “I’m Cheezzing!!! So big… You will find out why soon!! Big things come up….! Stay Tuned”

Stewart may be under contractual obligations to not confirm or deny that she is in fact pregnant. Interestingly enough, cast mate Phaedra Parks has already “somewhat confirmed” that phaedra+parks+pregnant+again

Porsha also recently disclosed that she and husband Kordell Stewart don not have a pre-nup. After providing her thoughts on the latest ‘RHOA’ episode in her recent Bravo blog post she goes on to say…

“Well let’s jump right in to when Kandi asked me if I had a pre-nup. I was thrown completely off. I really like her and felt comfortable with her, but here I am about to answer a personal question for the world to see. So I just fly out with a no. In my opinion a marriage is a sacred union between two people coming together as one with love being that foundation — being one in mind, body, and spirit. This means I want to agree with my husband and have like minds, I want to bond with him in the flesh (meaning anything that has to do with the natural things, whether it’s a sexual, money, or family issue etc.). I also want to become one spiritually with my husband so that we are equally yoked. We have the same beliefs when it comes to God and how WE have our purpose shown to us by God. So through bonding with him in mind, body, and spirit there is no place for a piece of paper to stand between us. However I totally can see anyone else’s point of view and understand why she or anyone else would choose to have one. For me I see it as a “to each his own” issue.”

Do you agree or disagree with Porsha’s thoughts for not wanting a prenup?

(Photo: Instagram/Porsha Stewart)


About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)

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