Preparing for 2016? Here are 5 Things to Leave Behind in 2015



With a new year upon us, we can all expect to see all those “new year new me” social media posts. It’s no secret, that many of these posts are redundant and are, somewhat, considered to be jokes since of the people who share the info-graphics yearly have yet to make any real changes or follow through with their resolutions. In fact, it’s one of the reasons I wrote an article a while back on why I prefer not to set any resolutions. I’d much rather prefer measurable and realistic goal setting.

Truth is, it doesn’t take a new year to become a better you. If you want to make real changes in your life, whether it be personal or professional, you can start right now.

But there’s one thing a new year does for all of us. It gives us the feeling of a fresh start and a new beginning. If nothing else, whether we follow through on those resolutions or not, it gives us hope.

I’ve compiled a small list of five things you may not want to take with you into 2016. I don’t consider them to be resolutions or goals but some advise on unhealthy things and perspectives that won’t serve any one any good.

1. A Bad Relationship: Need I say more? Bad relationships are topic; emotionally, mentally and even physical. Whether romantic or platonic it’s probably in your best interest to remove toxic people from your life who are undeserving of your time and energy. These individuals can include family and friends as well a significant other who no longer bring positivity and happiness into your life.

2. A Bad Attitude: There’s nothing worst than being around someone who’s constantly miserable and mean. You’ve probably heard of the analogy, “is the glass half-empty or half-full.” Well, it’s a good one in analyzing your perspective of the world and the things and people in it. If you look at everyone in a negative light and attract negative situations, the problem is probably you. As the saying goes, you reap what you sow. In other words, you attract what you also give. Start by changing the frown around, shall you?

3. The Job That’s Getting You No Where: A job is a job but if it serves you no purpose or any real potential for growth and to maximize your potential, you might as well prepare to give your two weeks notice. What’s the point of getting up to do work that make you feel unfulfilled and under-accomplished.

4. Being Broke: Much like that job you hate, if you’re constantly broke and want to change the amount reflected on your bank statements, explore options that will bring you financial health. It may be because you have poor money management or isn’t making enough money in the first place. But whatever it is, seek opportunities that will bring you financial freedom.

5. Resentment: If resentment for what could have been but isn’t is weighing heavily on your heart, here’s some advice, LET IT GO! Past mistakes and sorrows can’t be undone. And while you can’t change the past you can best prepare for the future. Use those mistakes as lessons learned in order to do better and be better, whether you’ve played the victim, villain or both in your past life.

Sweethearts, what are some other things we must all strive to leave behind in 2015?


About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)

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