Earlier in the week, I had the pleasure of interviewing writer and media personality Ty Alexander of GoergousInGrey.com via a Twitterview (a Twitter interview).
I wanted to pick Ty’s brain on the best steps one should take, in her opinion, to successfully quitting their day-job and becoming a full-time freelancer.
What interested me about Ty was her openness. Despite her growing celebrity and digital presence, she seems to have mattered the art of remaining humble.
If you follow her social media handles, which should be pretty easy to find across various outlets, Ty (@GorgeousInGrey) is always sharing her insights on building your brand and becoming the best you, YOU can be. She’s approachable, even if it’s just via a digital platform.
Whichever career path you decide to go down, I suggest you do as much research as possible. Here was Ty’s take on just how she left her full-time government job to pursue her passion to become a beauty and lifestyle freelancer writer and media personality.
(Source/Images: Ty Alexander/Storify)