Rashida Jones Says Female Celebrities Should Cover Up!



It seems like there was one person who wasn’t a fan of Kim Kardashian‘s infamous white bikini Instagram photo or Nicki Minaj‘s leopard pasties – Rashida Jones.

The 37-year old actress went on a Twitter rant over the weekend about females’ letting it all hang out on social media.

Rashida made it clear that a younger generation is watching celebrities and that the current ‘norm’ leaves very little to the imagination.

She tweeted, “This week’s celeb news takeaway; she who comes closest to showing the actual inside of her vagina is most popular. #stopactinglikewhores”……..Also, calling on all men to show me dat a–.”

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She definitely has a point because young women do idolize celebrities, especially females such as Nicki Minaj and Kim Kardashian. However, Kim Kardashian is known for her looks and as much as we may be jealous, -her behind! She lost her baby weight and wanted to show off her new and improved figure.

But let’s not jump and say #alldisrespecttokimkardashian just yet; Ms. Jones did not address any celebrities personally.

Do you agree with Rashida Jones or would you rather see what the celebs they are workin’ with?

Twitter/Rashida Jones

Contributor: Elise EnglanderFollow her on Twitter: EliseRachel_


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  1. KiaSoto on

    she is kinda right but why is she so upset

  2. Sarah on

    I love how literal Rashida is. I really respect her for saying this.

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