Respectability politics are keeping us stagnant


Just because you disagree with how someone handles conflict does not mean they aren’t correct in the offense. Respectability politics not only keeps us stagnant it also prevents the offenders from properly being held accountable. 

Social media personality and comedian, turn tv and radio show host, Jess Hilarious, is the perfect example of this.

Currently serving as co-host to popular NYC radio station Power 105.1’s ‘The Breakfast Club,’ Jess went live on social media to express her grievances with the station since returning from maternity leave late last year. The rant came shortly after criticism that her temporary replacement, Journalist Loren Lorosa, was a better host.

Lorosa, who previously held a position as a Senior News Producer and Reporter with TMZ, had not long before served behind the scenes as Senior Producer to the radio show. In her rant, Jess Hilarious expressed how awkward it was to return but having Lorosa remain as a guest co-host, often in the same time-slot where she was meant to hold her ‘Jess With the Mess’ news segment. She also felt lines were blurred between their roles and she was not hired as a journalist but to be her comedic self.

In fact, it was Jess herself who suggested Lorosa fill in for her while on maternity leave. She made it clear her grievance wasn’t with Lorosa but with how higher ups, as well as her co-workers, handled the whole ordeal.

While many of us would not have taken to social media to air out our employer and co-workers, especially while still employed, we think many of the points Jess made were valid ones.

She went on maturity leave, came back, and was forced to deal with changes not fully explained to her; which placed her role in jeopardy.

Jess and Larosa also discussed the issue live on the air as well.

What are your thoughts? Should Jess had kept the issue private and not feed in to the negativity? We’d love to hear your thoughts.


About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)

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