RHOA NeNe Leakes Explains Fight During Her Pillow Talk Event



Real Housewife of Atlanta‘s NeNe Leakes may have wanted to get all the couples together for some ‘Pillow Talk’, but let’s face it — there is always more than just ‘talking’ on reality shows! On the most recent episode of RHOA, Leakes hosted a pajama party (She says, “It’s almost like a free couple’s counseling…in pajamas.”) to help her guests move past any problems they have had with each other. C’mon, unless there is a miracle, that is not happening!

Nene grilled her guests and cast mates about their marriages by asking awkward questions she’d written on cards beforehand. Initially the couples seemed to have been having a good time, of course, that didn’t last long. NeNe mentioned Kenya’s comments about Natalie and Christopher’s marriage (not being legitimate) and that in itself threw the entire game off. What we saw, was Christopher then approaching Kenya, who attempted to leave the room, him grabbing her, and her friend Brandon intervening. Peter (Cynthia’s husband) then approaches to break the fight up before it began, he’s then shoved by Brandon and Apollo (Phaedra Park’s husband) intervenes, only this time, the altercation was a full on brawl between the three men.

On Monday, NeNe took her blog to dissect the fight and what really took place and that she does not approve of violence and mainly views Kenya as the reason why the fight broke out. Here’s what she had to say….

“I created this game called “Pillow Talk” and it all started from Gregg and I basically discussing our day once we got in bed at night! Obviously this party is for adults only with adult topics and content. I was the hostess with the mostess! The guests were invited along with a dress code and everyone knew what they were walking into. My intentions were to build couple unity within the group but as you can see, things got turnt all the way up! You ask why? Everybody in the room were asked questions that were touchy because that was the bases of the game! We all answered, including me and Gregg. We really had fun with it contrary to what you thought you saw and I stress “what you thought you saw” because there are always intentions for these parties or group gatherings which is totally out of my control!

Let’s get to the good stuff: Kenya arrived three hours late to the party! I was really aggravated because we can’t really end the scene until all housewives have arrived! Keeping it real is what I do! Some might call it messy, but see it as you may!
Christopher had a question in his hand that he wanted to answer standing up for reasons unbeknownst to me! I walked past Christopher and took my seat! He then began to speak to Kenya about the false accusations Kenya had told his wife. Chris’s wife Natalie started saying “don’t back paddle now” and Kenya got up and charged out of her seat towards Natalie (but you couldn’t see that part) (I wonder why?). Chris stepped in to stop her but not in an aggressive way. Kenya then got all extra saying take your hands off on me! Her girlfriend in the red pajamas jumped up in Chris’s face and that’s when the explosion started. I don’t condone violence! I can’t control adults and it’s not my fault if adults decide to fight on their own!

In my opinion Kenya was the spark that lit the fire. Whenever she’s around, we have the worst times! I’ve been on this show from the very beginning and we have NEVER had a physical altercation on this show! I am all about a good read, throwing shade and even getting you together when need be but violence is never okay to me. I think it’s a sad display of behavior and I think it is sad to the black community to be a part of such negative activity! I am bigger, I am better and for that I apologize!
Here’s a few questions I would like to ask you: why do you think they let Kenya narrate the whole fight scene? Why do you think they took the part out when Kenya was charging across the room? All the housewives would say we were having a good time! Why do you think they showed it as if we were not? Thanks for watching!”

Stay Fabulous,
Nene Leakes

For those who tuned in, what do you think? Did NeNe fuel the fire or was it Kenya who truly messed up the pajama party? Tell us in your comments below.

By the way, here’s a recap of the now infamous fight in RHOA history.

Contributor: Elise Englander
Follow her on Twitter: @EliseRachel_


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