Rihanna and Drake Seen Holding Hands In Britain


Rihanna & Drake All Star Game

I think it’s fair to say Rihanna and Drake are finally making their relationship public. Even though both artists have been pretty silent on Twitter and Instagram (except for Drake’s photos of himself on tour), the pair was finally spotted holding hands as they were leaving a club in the UK on Tuesday.

The photos of #AubRih (posted by fans on Instagram) aren’t too clear, but we can safely say they definitely appear to look like they are a couple. In addition to the hand holding, Rihanna has stayed by the 27-year-old rapper’s side while in Germany and Amsterdam for his ‘Would You Like a Tour?’ shows. Sounds like RiRi is getting more than just a ‘tour’ of Europe!

This doesn’t come as a surprise as there have been rumors for months on end about the two secretly dating. In fact, there were a bunch of photos of them arriving at the same locations, but at different times and in different vehicles. Perhaps Drake was getting a bit emotional and wanted Rihanna to show more PDA or maybe the bad gal from Barbados stopped caring about the paps.

To further confirm their relationship, a source told WENN, “There’s definitely no question about their romance any more. Rihanna and Drake spent the whole night with their tongues down each other’s throats and didn’t seem to care about everybody seeing.” Oh lawd, we didn’t get all that on camera!

Do you think #AubRih are officially together or is this just a temporary fling?

(Photo Source: Kierra Michiell/Instagram)

Author: Elise Englander
Follow her on Twitter: @EliseRachel_


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