Rihanna Talks Fame, Being A Sex Symbol, Chris Brown & Drake Fight & More With GQ



We got our first glimpse of Rihanna‘s  nude GQ “Men of the Year”nude cover yesterday, now we’re getting a bit of her one-on-one interview with the magazine. She discusses being seen as just a dolloar sign, becoming a sex symbol, Chris Brown and Drake fighting for her love and the kind of woman she is in a relationship. Take a sneak peek of what she had to say.

On Fame:
“Sometimes a person looks at me and sees dollars. They see numbers and they see a product. I look at me and see art. If I didn’t like what I was doing, then I would say I was committing slavery. ”

On Nearly Getting A Face Tattoo The Night Before Her GQ Interview:
“The tattoo artist said nope, I’m not gonna do it,” she says, “because if you’re looking at your face, it’s right there staring at you.”

Becoming A Sex Symbol:
“That comes from my culture. That’s just the way it’s always been, and I think that for people, especially in America, they make it like the forbidden fruit, but that only makes kids more curious. I was a lot more naive about the way I moved and the way I was being perceived. The more you hear people talk about ‘Oh, you’re a sex symbol,’ it just makes you think, ‘Why are you saying that?’ And I figured it out.”


On The Type Of Woman She Is In Relationships:
“I like to feel like a woman. I have to be in control in every other aspect of my life, so I feel like in a relationship, like I wanted to be able to take a step back and have somebody else take the lead. I could absolutely be dominant, But, in general, I’d rather… How do I say this in like a…non-X-rated version? Love makes you go places you probably wouldn’t ever go, had it not been for love. But I think everybody still has their limits.”

On Her Legacy:
“I want to make music that’s hopeful, uplifting. Nothing corny or supersentimental,” she told me. “I just want it to have the feeling that brings you out of whatever you’re going through. I want it to spark that fire. I want it to be real, authentic, and raw.”

Drake and Chris Brown’s fight in NYC:
“There’s no proof of that being for my love. That’s my answer to that question.”

Overall great interview. For more on Rihanna’s GQ interview head over to GQ.com.


About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)

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