Looks We Love: Rihanna In Silver Spoon Attire Pink Beanie & Mermaid Sweatshirt (Photos)


rihanna_silver_spoon_attireRihanna posted a few pictures of herself during her usual smoke session but the singer also showed off her new attire. Rocking a Pink Beanie from Silver Spoon Attire and a naked Mermaid Sweatshirt, the singer looks pretty hot.

silver_spoon_attire rihanna_silver_spoon_attireI must admit I am loving the beanie even though I have no idea where I would wear it in the real world. 🙂 How do you like the look? Is this something you would dare to wear outside of your house?

(Photo credits: IG- @badgalriri)


About Author

I am new to blogging...but let me tell you I have been writing since I was 5 years old. My mom still has the mini books that I made in Kindergarten. As a single mother of two boys and a full blown Gemini, my outlook on life has many ups and downs. Nothing frees me more than writing. My biggest prayer is that my words help someone who is going through rough times and makes them smile...or at least laugh a little.

1 Comment

  1. Annemarie on

    The whole thing just does not work, Rihanna has horrible taste!

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