Rihanna Spotted In West Hollywood (Photos)


Rihanna was spotted on the streets of West Hollywood, last night, heading into a tattoo parlor. The singer opted for a more casual look I see.

Rihanna Spotted Outside Tattoo Parlor In West Hollywood 5

Rihanna Spotted Outside Tattoo Parlor In West Hollywood

Rihanna Spotted Outside Tattoo Parlor In West Hollywood 2

Rihanna Spotted Outside Tattoo Parlor In West Hollywood 3

On vacation after rapping up her UK ‘LOUD’ tour Rihanna’s been spotted on the beaches of native country Barbados and was last spotted at a Miami night club ringing in the new year.

The singer’s also been in the news lately for her openingly affectionate tweets many believe are in regards to ex-boyfriend singer Chris Brown. The former lovers are believed to have rekindled their romance, which ended in 2009 after Brown assaulted the Bastian beauty during a couples spat.

Here are a few of Rihanna’s most recent tweets.

Rihanna Tweets To Chris Brown 2Rihanna Tweets To Chris Brown
As for Chris Brown? He hasn’t tweeted since Dec. 31st. But reports have surfaced that he was also spotted in West Hollywood Wednesday afternoon. Interesting….

Wonder what she got? Me too. Hmm…is she pops up with a Chris Brown tat I think I may die! Well, not literally but you get the point.

And the plot thickens………hmmmm

(Source/Photos: Media Outrage)

About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)

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