Rihanna Accompanies Chris Brown During Court Appearance



In a surprising turn of events, Chris Brown shows up to court with Rihanna by his side.

Days ago the Los Angeles District Attorney accused Brown, his mother and lawyer Mark Geragos of fabricating documents to prove Brown had fully completed his 180 hours of community service pending from his 2009 assault on Rihanna. Following the allegations Chris was asked to make a court appearance, today, and bring forth proof that he did in fact complete his community service in state of Virginia, where he also resides. Not only does Geragos dispute these claims but (suspected on-again girlfriend) Rihanna surprised everyone when she made a court appearance in support of Brown.

Here they are leaving the Brown’s house and headed to the court house earlier today.



Should we be all that surprised? After several sightings together, partying at nightclubs all around LA, and the fact that Rihanna pretty much confirmed they’re back together in her interview with Rolling Stone Chrianna-gate is officially back!

Since the hearing, earlier this afternoon, Brown’s lawyer has been pretty livid and vocal about the unfair treatment of his client. “I have never had a client who has been tortured like Chris Brown has.”

“The D.A. is paralyzed with the thought his probation will be terminated.  If that happens they won’t be able to jock him around like they’ve been jocking him around,” he stated during a news conference. He seeking that the DA be held in contempt for filing false documentation of Brown’s community service.

Chris’ probation officer in Virginia is also disputing the allegations and was ordered by the judge to make a court appearance set for April 5th.

Chris mother, Joyce, was also in attendance to support her son.  She and the singer sat alongside each other at the back of the courtroom during the hearing. The judge has stated she’ll review the documents as well as speaking with Brown’s PO before making a final decisions.

For now it seems Brown may have dodged yet another bullet. Rihanna showing up looked great on his behalf and his recent physical altercation with Frank Ocean is officially a thing of the past. Not only did Ocean not press charges (probably because he started the whole mess), but the LA police department has closed the case no longer investigating the brawl.

Brown….we love you but get it together!


(Photos: Zimbio.com/David McNew/Getty Images/FameFlynet)


About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)


  1. TractHer TrailHer (@TrctHerTrailHer) on

    She definitely will stand by her man!!!

  2. Kia on

    stand by ur man gurl lol

  3. Pingback: Morning Links: Rihanna Accompanies Chris Brown During Court Appearance

  4. Yazmar on

    She like it I love it…

  5. Pingback: Chris Brown Confirms On Again Relationship With Rihanna | CottenKandi.com

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