Samuel L. Jackson Bashes Reporter For Calling Him Laurence Fishburne



Earlier today, Samuel L. Jackson was interviewed by KTLA’s entertainment reporter, Sam Rubin, about his role in the new movie, ‘RoboCop’.

Everything seemed to be going smoothly, until the reporter asked Jackson about the Super Bowl commercial. At first, Jackson looked confused and didn’t understand what Rubin was talking about. Once he realized that the reporter was confusing him with Laurence Fishburne, he ripped him a new one!

Understandably so, Jackson told the news anchor,

“You’re as crazy as the people on Twitter! I am NOT Laurence Fishburne.”

Rubin was referring to the Matrix-inspired Kia commercial which starred actor Laurence Fishburne, not Samuel L. Jackson.

The 65-year old actor also exclaimed,

“You are the entertainment reporter for this station? And you don’t know the difference between me and Laurence Fishborne?”

We couldn’t agree more. These reporters need to do their research prior to interviews so that they don’t end up looking foolish, like Rubin did today.

Thankfully, Rubin apologized multiple times throughout the interview and also in a later clip. He claimed to be talking about the Captain America ad that ran during the Super Bowl which did star Jackson. Should we believe him? Either way, the comment was definitely offensive and the news anchor deserved all the criticism that came his way!

Watch the interview below!


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1 Comment

  1. twanatells on

    And he should have the least he could do is get his name right….

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