[Sneak Peek] ‘Love & Hip Hop 2’ Season Finale, Kimbella Reveals She’s Pregnant


Kimbella of Love & Hip Reveals She's Pregnant

Spoiler alert! You may have already heard the many rumors of someone being pregnant on hit reality show, ‘Love & Hip Hop’, and have even heard a number of names already mentioned, including Emily B and Yandy Smith, but it’s Kimbella who’s with child.

In the below clip, the model reveals the secret to her mother and dad that she is pregnant with her third child. Unfortunately, her live in boyfriend and rapper Juelz Santana has gotten himself in trouble with the law. She’s left with time to reflect on their relationship and what the future holds.

Although she wants marriage, something her mom also wants for the pair, she is faced with many uncertainties and fears.

My honest opinion? Kimbella and Juelz will not make it down the aisle. Although I wish the pair well, I believe Kim is the woman that stays by the man’s side through it all (cheating and trust issues, fights and heartache) but not the one he chooses to marry. Having a child a year and a half into your relationship may have given them both a reason to stay and make the relationship work. Baby no. two won’t be any different. She’s already proven that she is willing to stay and commit to a man that isn’t willing to commit to her and/or treat her well. In his mind, why should he marry her? He’s become comfortable.

If it wasn’t for dating Emily’s ex, Fab, and the big blow out with Chrissy, I think these two women actually have a lot in common and would even be the best of friend. Best wishes Kim.

Just a little tid bit: Some media outlets are speculating that another cast mate may be expecting as well (Yandy) but I won’t speculate. We’ll have to wait and see on the reunion show, expected to air sometime later this month.


About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)

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