Solange Knowles Turns 26 Today!



It’s Solange Knowles birthday!

Who knew the younger sister to mega super star Beyonce Knowles would become the fashion forward, dancing to the rhythm of her own drums, singer/songwriter, DJ hipster momma we’ve become accustomed to today?

I don’t know about you all, but Solange seems like a really cool chick. In fact, she was recently chosen among the top “30 Under 30 New York City Game Changers” according to As they put it,

“She’s got that undefinable mixture of soul, authenticity, and, yes, unabashed style, that keeps us coming back for more and more.

In between DJing at some of the most high profile events around the world, Solange  recently revealed she currently working on new music, which she’s very excited about. We can’t wait to here it!

She tweeted this photo, just one day ago, while in London.

She wrote, “Vampires in London….”


She also tweeted this photo recently while heading out for a date night with her boyfriend Alan Ferguson. Mr. Ferguson is a video director.

Solange-Knowles-Boyfriend-Alan-Ferguson “Date night….. #moma #prada #hesaidhereallylovesmecuzitsgame4”

The couple are rumored to have dated for the late four years now.

Happy 26 Solange!

(Photo: Solange


About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)

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