Stevie Wonder Refuse To Perform In Florida Until Stand Your Ground Law Is Changed



Singer Stevie Wonder has spoken out against the state of Florida following the not guilty verdict in the Trayvon Martin murder trial.

During a concert in Quebec City, on Sunday, the singer announced on stage he would no longer perform in the state of Florida until the state’s Stand Your Ground laws were abolished. The same laws that protected George Zimmerman in his defense on murdering unarmed teen Trayvon Martin.

He stated, “The truth is that—for those of you who’ve lost in the battle for justice, wherever that fits in any part of the world—we can’t bring them back. What we can do is we can let our voices be heard. And we can vote in our various countries throughout the world for change and equality for everybody. That’s what I know we can do.

“And I know I’m not everybody, I’m just one person. I’m a human being. And for the gift that God has given me, and from whatever I mean, I decided today that until the Stand Your Ground law is abolished in Florida, I will never perform there again. As a matter of fact, wherever I find that law exists, I will not perform in that state or in that part of the world.

“Because what I do know is that people know that my heart is of love for everyone. When I say everyone I mean everyone. As I said earlier, you can’t just talk about it, you have to be about it. We can make change by coming together for the spirit of unity. Not in destruction, but in the perpetuation of life itself.”

Watch the footage below and tell us what you think.


(Photo: Mark Davis/Getty Images)


About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)


  1. Gumbumper on

    I know that’s right Stevie!!

  2. tasha on

    I hope other celebrities jump on board its not to punish the people of florida but to let the government know that we will not tolerate injustice and if they don’t change their revenue can be hurt back in stevies day that’s what performers did to fight injustice and it worked why not do it today

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