The Cotten Kandi Diaries: Quickie



Mornings are my least favorite times of the day. It’s usually very hectic, getting the kids ready for school, making breakfast, attending to my husband Jacks, and any other craziness that occurred between the hours of 6 and 9am. Thankfully the kids were now a little older and could shower themselves and get dressed, but, it was my responsibility to make sure the clothes were clean, unwrinkled and they were on time. For Jacks, all he needed was a hot cup of coffee and meal waiting for him before he headed out at 8 am. I sometimes wished I could escape the everyday hustle and bustle of being a wife and mom, but I loved them and they me.

My only real complaint was not spending enough quality time with Jacks. I missed my husband. It seemed lately that all we had time for were small talks in the mornings and at nights before we went to bed. All other times it felt more like catching glimpses of each other while making dinner, eating, watching some television with the kids then getting them ready for bed. Our love life had suffered, I had to admit. And the times we did have for intimacy, we were both too tired to truly make more of an effort to spice things up.

I had just gotten back from dropping the kids off from school around 10 am. I figured it was a good time to go back to bed before getting back up and heading out, once again, to run errands. I needed to do the laundry, pick up the dry cleaning and go grocery shopping before picking the kids up from school, help them with homework, cook dinner and prepare to do it all over again the next day.

Around 11am, after tossing and turning for an hour, I could hear the front door opening. I immediately ran downstairs and approached the door, ready to attack which ever mad person had the nerve to attempt a burglary, when Jacks walked through the door.

“Jacks what are you doing home from work,” I asked.
“No time to talk Corrine.”
He grabbed the navy blue cotton robe I was draped in, untied it and began taking off my clothes.

I was not feeling sexy. Underneath was a washed out black tank I often wore around the house and my favorite and most comfortable, purple and white, boy shorts underwear.

“Baby, what is this about?” I wanted to know.
He continued to unclothe me while I rambled on about him being home early and acting strange.
“Baby, stop talking,” he demanded.

“Oh okay.”

Once he had taken my tank and undies off, he lifted me up in a straddling position, up and around his waist; kissing my collar bone, neck, chest, breasts, nipples and my bottom lips. He proceeded to walk up the flight of stairs to our bedroom. Only, he had no intensions of making it to the bedroom, at least not yet.

Jacks stopped just below the very top of the staircase and laid me down, spread eagle, and began performing orally.

It wasn’t something he was too fond of doing so it caught me by surprise. I had no idea who this man was in substitute for my husband, but I liked him, A LOT!

When he was done, he picked me up again and headed straight into the bedroom, this time, unraveling his tie, suit jacket, belt, pants, boxers ns throwing them to the floor –all gone.

He was eager. I didn’t know whether to be excited or scared at this stranger and his antics.

“Bend your ass over,” he stated.
Jacks’ penis was rock hard. Typically he would have needed a little assistance but not today, it was not necessary.

He rammed into me so hard I nearly lost my stance. Just like he demanded, I bent over, with my back turned, on the lower right hand corner of the king size bed.

He continued to pump into me while grabbing my disheveled wavy hair tied loosely in a ponytail. I was sweating profusely and out of breathe from moaning and screaming so loud. The pain was also pleasure so I welcomed it.
The louder I screamed the harder he pumped. It excited him, giving him pleasure to see the total control he had over me and my body.

The last time we f**ked this hard we were college students in the small dorm room attempting to suffocate the sounds that could be heard by my schoolmate.

“You’re my bitch right,” he asked while slapping my ass.
“Yes!” I screamed.

I screamed so loud that I’m sure the neighbors could hear me.

I thought he was done until he jerked back, jumped onto the bed and demanded I ride him.

I didn’t hesitate. It was exciting and confusing all at the same time. I wanted to ask what was but hell; it was obvious that he was horny and so was I. It wasn’t the romantic dinner and movie date, nice evening walk in the park, ending with a massage and making love that I had imagined but sometimes we all just needed a good f**k.

He groped my breasts, grabbed my ass and pulled whatever of my hair who could lash onto while I rode him.

Thirty five minutes later, after walking through the door and it was over – bitter sweet.

Jacks shifted my body off him and onto the bed. We were both left speechless, staring at each other and smiling giddily.

He kissed me, got dressed and started to leave when I asked him, why.

“I missed my wife too,” he said. “I’ll see you later,” then left.

Damn, as he walked back to the car, I wonder if there would be a part two later that night.

And just like that he was gone.

Written By: Ms. Toni

For more from our diaries series click HERE!


About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)

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