Over two years ago, (June 25, 2009), the world lost the greatest entertainer that ever lived and his millions of fans haven’t and, perhaps, will never forget him.
The ‘King of Pop’ died from unusual circumstances after taking a deadly dose of anesthetic drug propofol.
In just the opening statement, prosecutor David Walgren showed the courtroom of photo of a ghostly Jackson lying dead in a hospital bed, draped by a hospital gown. He also played a tape of a conversation with Jackson in which the drugged-up singer slurred his words so badly the prosecutors had to run captions on the screen so jurors could understand what Jackson was saying.
Disturbing? You bet!
Day two isn’t going much better. In today’s proceedings the Prosecution begins with questioning Kathy Jorrie, the lawyer for A.E.G. She helped to draft the contract for Dr. Conrad Murray, which reveals he was getting paid $150,000 a month for his special “services”. She also revealed, Murray wanted a provision in the contract saying he didn’t have to refund his payment if contract was terminated.
Murray could face four years in prison if convicted of involuntary manslaughter.
(Source: ABC & BMS)
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