Tichina Arnold Checks Hater For Cyber Bullying



Actress Tichina Arnold is no stranger to voicing her opinion, especially when it pertains to any disrespectful social media messages and cyber bullying.

After sharing a message with fans on social sharing site Instagram, a critic of the actress began to blast her. Here was Arnold’s response to the bully.

“Since I was blocked by this individual who does not want to read MY reply/rebuttal and the TRUTH, I decided just to post it here. We’ve gotta do better people. Seriously… Part ONE.”


“Paragraph Two.”


“Paragraph. Three.”


“Paragraph Four.”


And not long after, Arnold again uploaded this video and shared this message…

“This video is for my dedicated followers who share INTELLIGENT dialog, jokes, opinions & views with me DESPITE their race, creed, religion, color & social/economic status. It’s time that IGNORANCE be ADDRESSED. We must Learn but we also must TEACH & LIVE what we have learned to help others. I’m 45 and STILL learning. I will learn until the day I die, but I have made a vow to do my best at being an EXAMPLE for what I have learned, & PASS IT ON. Unfortunately everyone is not going to comprehend that. LIVE life! Have FUN doing it, but Be mindful that what you GIVE, comes right back to you…good & bad. TICHINA.”

When will these children learn not to mess with Tichina.

And, I have to agree. Everyone is entitled to have an opinion. Heck, the fact that I have a blog clearly shows that I too do have an opinion but there is a way to express it without being hateful and totally disrespectful in your message. Well said Tichina.

If you all remember, Arnold blasted rapper French Montana when he reshared a photo that mocked Arnold and a hairstyle she had worn.


In response to the rapper, Arnold shared the above image and message:

Man oh man. Mr. Montana, I’ve perused (read through with thoroughness and care) your #instagram profile description, pictures & posts… but despite my determined effort, I STILL don’t have a CLUE to one very simple question… “Who ARE you?”.. I mean other than reading that you’ve dated a Kardashian, and you seem to enjoy taking extraneous pictures with LEGITIMATE celebrities, I’m baffled (perplexed, confused) as to WHO you are & WHAT you actually DO? How do you contribute to society? What do you do to HELP those in need? What philanthropic works have you done? Are you on the board of any charitable organizations? Do you posses your own charitable organization? Do you own your name? How many of your followers are actually REAL followers and not computer generated? Oh.. And one other thing, if you are gonna post or repost things about other people (such as myself). FYI: Maybe you should put more effort into aligning yourself with people who can ASSIST you with building your brand for longevity, only THEN will you be prepared to (as your boy Martin would so clearly put it) “Stomp with the big dogs”. But either way, I’m pleased to know you are a true fan of the Martin show despite what criticisms you have. Your continued support is proof that for over 30 years, I have CONTRIBUTED something of VALUE on television to many people (including yourself) and many generations and hopefully more to come. Hit me up and maybe I can hook you into individuals who have “Serious Inquiries” regarding hiring you. I just need to know what exactly it is that you are SELLING, because unfortunately, I STILL don’t know. Keep your head up & GOD Bless! TICHINA … Oh! One more thing, if you know of anyone who has an auto immune disease such as #Lupus, go check out my 501c3 organization at www.wewinfoundation.org – Unfortunately thousands of women (and men) battle with this constant life threatening #autoimmune #disease everyday. It would be AMAZING if you made a donation instead of losing 40k in one on one basketball bets with your cohorts. Your positive & monetary support would be GREATLY appreciated. Thank you for your time.


CK readers, do you agree or disagree with the actress?

(Photos: Tichina Arnold/Instagram)


About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)

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