Twitter Is The New Matchmaker, You Didn’t Know? Here’s Why I #dateafollower


Perhaps this is one time when my natural curiosity will turn out for my benefit.

I saw #dateafollower scroll across my Twitter time line and I knew I had to sign up. I don’t expect to find love in an imaginary place. However, my real -life experience tells me this can’t be any worse.

I’ve met men in the grocery store, club, library, parking lot, in my dreams and yet here I am – single. I spend my time procrastinating on Twitter. Twitter allows me to talk to strangers and to myself every day and it’s socially acceptable. I’m with my followers through weddings, funerals, random passive aggressive fights at work and nights of insomnia. I’ve engaged in good ole fashioned shit talking and intellectual debates. Twitter is comparable to being in the dining hall in college and I love it. But is there another use I haven’t tapped into?

I can’t deny I see some avi photos and inhale deeply thinking “D*mn he’s fine.” We correspond back and forth daily. Somewhere along the line he intrigues me. Through his stories, jokes, and obligatory morning inspiration tweets I start wondering what he’s like in real life.

Dateafollower came along and it only made sense.

People scoff and laugh about meeting people online. Yet we make new friends all the time. I’ve met some wonderful women after interacting with them on twitter and finding common ground. We have an entire trip planned from years of twitter interactions. But somehow meeting someone for romance is absurd. I could spend my life trying to do it the old fashion way or I could embrace that times have changed and change with the times. Expanding your love life is about expanding your visibility and availability. This is just another platform to see what’s out there.

Going on twitter every day for the sole purpose of finding a husband is out of the question. There’s so much more to Twitter than that. However, if love happens to tumble into my DMs (direct messages) in the midst of the controlled chaos, I’m not opposed to the idea. I’ve reached the age of “why not” in dating instead of “why.”  I embrace that.

As they say, it’s JUST twitter….

Well, until someone falls in love.

Stay tuned as I chronicle this experience. It will either go really well or be an epic failure. Hilarious either way.


The DateAFollower web site is just getting started at but you can contact it’s creator and even sign up with the information below.

Twitter: @DateAFollower   @TenPointOne


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1 Comment

  1. TenPointOne on

    Good looking out sweetie! Can’t wait to work with ya’ll!

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