Twitter War! 50 Cent vs. Floyd Mayweather, The Bromance Is Over! (Photos)


50+Cent+Floyd+Mayweather+Twitter+War“Hold my money F–k Boy”

50 Cent and Floyd Mayweather are no longer the best of friends. The two hot headed, egomaniac, arrogant multimillionaire stars came to blows on Twitter.

Who pulled the trigger? Of course it would be 50 Cent (if you don’t already know, he’s messy on Twitter) when he began ranting that the “Money Team” (Floyd’s crew) was over! On Halloween 50 tweeted, “TMT IS OVER the money team is no longer a team. So it SMS promotions that’s it thats all.SMSaudio (50’s new alliance)”

He followed up with a few more tweets about leaving the Money Team and even attempted to sell some TMT items.

50+Cent+Floyd+Mayweather+BeefSurprisingly Floyd remained mum but it was when 50 started up again last night that got the boxer fired up.

Here are 50’s rants last night trying to drum up a fight against Floyd and fighter


Well, Floyd wasn’t gonna let that go he released his own stream of Twitter rants let’s check em out.


In addition to the above photo where Floyd mocks 50 holding his money here are some other photos that were accompanied along with those tweets.

Floyd+Mocks+Queen+50+cottenkandi“I respect the shooter not the one who got shot”

50+Cent+Money+Team+Jacket“F–k Boy you look cute in that jacket”

50+Cent+Holds+Floyd+Mayweather+Belts“A male boxing groupie.. hold my belts because your album sales have declined “

Floyd+Mocks+50+Record+Sales“Men lie.. women lie numbers don’t lie. Wayne, Drake, Rick Ross, Kanye please help this boy”

But it didn’t end there. What was 50’s response?


Can’t say I didn’t see this coming but what’s even sadder, these two men are 30 something millionaires going to war on Twitter! Like what?

Rumors began to circulate a few months back when Floyd was released from prison, on a domestic assault charge, that the friendship had come to a demise. Why? It’s reported Floyd fiance may have something to do with it. Perhaps her and 50 got a bit too close when Floyd was locked up and he just ain’t having it! In a brief interview 50 also indicated that he thought Floyd had changed in the few months he spent behind bars.

Whatever the reason, do us all a favor and address it like grown men! But hey, thanks for the laughs! 😀


About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)

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