Face off! Rihanna vs. Tyra In Big Forehead Challenge


Tyra Banks would like to challenge you to a big forehead contest.  While on vacation on a tropical island, here’s what she tweeted just days ago, “I challenge you to a big 4head contest! You know I got that win on lock!”

Tyra-Banks-Big-Forhead-On Vacation

Hmmm… let’s get a closer look. Here’s another photo she tweeted.

Tyra-Banks-Big-Forhead-On Vacation-2

Guess what Tyra? You’ve got some competition!

Singer Rihanna would also like to go head to head in a challenge of whose got the biggest forehead.

She recently tweeted this photo with the caption, “My dick AND my forehead! One love”


She followed up with this photo adding, “U know it”


I don’t know guys this one’s a little difficult.

Hmmm….Who would you say got the massive dome on lock?


About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)


  1. Wow…nice game…i kno my 4head iz big but i’ll let them have that game.

  2. Nick on

    LOL, good thing they both can joke about it. I think Tyra takes this one tho, that thing is reaching into the middle of her head, nothing it can’t do.

  3. dt on


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