[World Premiere] Lil’ Wayne “How To Love”


Lil Wayne How To Love

The highly anticipated music video for Lil’ Wayne‘s #1 single “How To Love” has finally arrived. And I’m sure the ladies will love it as much as they look the single. Who knew Lil’ Wayne could “sing”?

The single’s message and video’s content is quite touching actually. It appears, Lil Wayne does have a soft side. The video depicts a young girl’s life in which she was nearly aborted, raised in a hostile environment and whose father goes to jail. She’s later molested and herself become a young mother. To make ends meet she begins stripping and later finds out she is HIV positive (sad).
In the alternative scenario, the girl is raised by a loving and supportive family after her mother decides to moves in with relatives after her birth, get married and is able to provide a stable home. The young girl is then able to stay focused and excel in her own life

Check it out.

I’m impressed. Love the video and its concept. So different from the typical booty popping, gyrating and dance videos. The message here, not only show your child love but provide an environment that encourages their growth and stability. They may even surprise you and become happy productive adults and great parents to their own children.

Credit: Harrington Kommunication

About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)


  1. D'Angella on

    I love this video the concept is great, and in this day in age its certainly needed and lil wayne couldn’t have found a better actress big upps to chanta patton!!!! @chantapatton

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