Hacker Leakes Personal & Financial Information To The Stars (Video)


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A computer hacker who is believed to have ties to the German mob has leaked very private and financial information of several high profile celebrities, public figures and politicians including Beyonce and Jay Z, Ashton Kutcher, Bill Clinton, Kim Kardashian and Joe Biden just to name a few., reports Diva Whispers.

Although no arrests have been made, the FBI are currently investigating the matter. Find out more details below.

(Photo: DivaWhispers.com)


About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)

1 Comment

  1. DivaWhispers on

    i wish i knew the website i feel like being nosey..i want to know how much Bey and Jay make lol

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