Kanye Supports #BlackLivesMatter Efforts



Rapper Kanye West, not one to bite his tongue, is the latest rapper to speak out in support of efforts to seek justice amidst the decision that a New York City police officer will not face charges for choking unarmed Staten Island resident Eric Garner, an act that resulted in his death, and, the decision to not indict Ferguson County officer Darren Wilson for shooting unarmed teen Michael Brown this past summer.

These two incidences are the latest in a string of cases that have resulted in much of the same — an unarmed black man losing his life at the hand of law enforcement.

Over the weekend, thousands of citizens across the country, including Washington D.C and New York City rallied in hopes of getting the federal government involved in taking a further look into these cases.

To our surprise, the overwhelming outcry of injustice has echoed among neighborhoods far and near across the country. In fact, it brought out more than half a million marchers this past weekend.

The stats must have impressed Mr. West because he was compelled to share the news with over 1 million of his Twitter followers. Here’s what he tweeted…


If you were among the 600,000 citizens that rallied this past weekend then give yourselves a pat on the back.

Sweethearts, we would love to hear your thoughts on the matter. Did you march this weekend, and if so, were you impressed with how many protestors participated in the efforts to fight against a flawed judicial system?


About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)

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