Amber Rose Says She’s “In Love” With Son, Wiz Is Best Dad Ever



Amber Rose gave birth to her baby boy on Thursday afternoon and is already gushing about him. Just hours after giving birth Rose thanked her fans and friends for their well wishes and tweeted, “Happy Birthday to our baby boy Sebastian “The Bash” Taylor Thomaz! I’m so happy u guys I fell in love all over again! :-)”

She then uploaded this photo of dad Wiz Khalifa and added, “Best daddy ever…. Up with the baby so Muva can go back to sleep :-)”


How precious!

She was also tweeted by Rihanna, whose birthday was one day before, “Congratulations to my fam @mistercap and @muvarosebud !!! Welcome baby Bash! You’re born in an exquisite month #babypisces”

Rose responded back thanking the singer nd invited her to visit the baby soon. “@rihanna Thank u sweets! U & Chris gotta come over soon & love his lil butt up he’s soooo beautiful! He looks like his mama Lol ;-)”

Ohh how cute.

We’re dying to get a pull photo of baby Sebastia, can’t wait!


About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)


  1. Kia on

    nice i like these two together meanwhile kanye wishing it was his seed lol

  2. Dude’s been a dad for one day and he’s the best dad ever. Wait till his ass goes on tour, aaa.

  3. LOL It is good to know she is thinking positive at least and they do look happy!

  4. ummm. amber it’s been a day — how can u say he’s the best dad? LMAO

  5. They are always the best daddies. . . in the beginning.

  6. Sarah on

    Amber Rose is going to be an AMAZING mom! You can just tell that this is what she’s wanted to do. Congrats.

  7. Pingback: Amber Rose Loves Breast Feeding Baby Sebastian, Shares Photo of Wiz Bonding with Baby Boy |

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