Ciara Has Finally Found Herself A Keeper In Rapper Future



It’s official. We can confirm that songstress Ciara and rapper Future are dating and now couple. Ciara, we’ve all been rooting for you. There was Bow Wow (how did that happen?), 50 Cent (oh we wanted this to work), Amare (well, he was never really yours), and whoever else but looky here, your new beau Future is loving you gal and we’re loving it!

And Future had quite a lot to say about his lady love. During his interview with Atlanta’s Posterchild J1 He says, “She’s a beautiful woman, amazing, incredible…..everything that comes along with those words, that’s what she represents.

I can tell you, all the negativity that comes with me and her is not true. Our personal lives is our personal lives. Sometimes people present it like it’s true and they think they have facts, but at the end of the day, we know what’s true and we know what’s not true and anything negative from that situation, we [are] not even representing that. What you see is what you get.

We are at a time where, I am on Epic, she’s on Epic, I love music, she loves music. And we love being in the studio with each other. We love being around each other and that’s just what it is. The chemistry is there. It’s amazing. She makes me happy, I make her smile.

Anything negative around that is all false because every time you are doing something positive and somebody sees you happy, they want to find something to tear you down. She’s a great woman.

I believe at the end of the day, once the media passes over and all of the foolishness goes past, we gon’ be able to be good. And we gon’ be good. It’s only comments, rumors and certain speculations. As long as we have that understanding, no one can ever come between us.

As for negative things Future could be referring to, he’s rumored to still be involved with his longtime girlfriend and child’s mother. We’re guessing by that statement he’s no longer involved with her.

Sounds serious. Congratulations Ciara!

Here’s Future’s Interview with Atlanta’s Posterchild J1

Posterchild J-1 Interviews Future from Posterchild J1 on Vimeo.

Source: Necole Bitchie

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About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)


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