Designer Spotlight: ‘Ro Collection’ Clothing Line


If you haven’t seen this “Vote or STFU” shirt, then you must be living under a rock. I discovered Ro collection through the power of Twitter the night of the Presidential debate. After looking through their website, I fell in love with the edgy, but stylish collection. I immediately purchased my t-shirt, started saving up for my skirt, and contacted one of the founders of the collection for an interview.

1. What is the name of the clothing line and what was the inspiration behind it?

Ro Collection is the name. The inspiration came from the style of the founders, Romello Truitt and Roland Truitt also known as M.E

2. How long have u had the line?
Since 2005 then re-established in 2009 when relocating to Los Angeles, California.

3. What do you hope to accomplish with the clothing line?

We are working to expand our merchandise not just nation wide but world wide.

4. Have u had any success with the line?

We have had tremendous success with the clothing line thanks to our loyal fans and friends and we reward them by keeping fresh items on as well as news updates.

5. What’s new and upcoming with the line?

Ro Collection will be releasing the winter line in November and in February we will be hosting one of the biggest fashion shows of 2013 during All Star Weekend in Houston Texas.

6. Who is all a part of the creation of the line?

Roland Truitt is the founder, Romello Truitt is the owner/creative director, and designs by Taron Wade.

This collection is stocked with affordable and trendy clothing for both males and females. Make sure you keep your eyes open for this up and coming collection.


About Author

I am new to blogging...but let me tell you I have been writing since I was 5 years old. My mom still has the mini books that I made in Kindergarten. As a single mother of two boys and a full blown Gemini, my outlook on life has many ups and downs. Nothing frees me more than writing. My biggest prayer is that my words help someone who is going through rough times and makes them smile...or at least laugh a little.

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