Elmo Sex Accuser Revealed, Has Troubled Past


The man who accused 52 year old Elmo puppeteer Kevin Clash of having an inappropriate relationship with him when he was still underage has been revealed to be Sheldon Stephens.


The Smoking Gun reports, Stephens, 24, is an aspiring model with multiple arrests behind him.


The 24-year-old was arrested in the Harrisburg, PA., airport  back in 2009 on charges of receiving stolen property. At the time, he was sporting a white gold necklace and ring a Los Angeles music manager said Stephens robbed from him at knife-point. Stephens told cops the $250,000 in jewelry was a gift.

Stephens was also previously arrested for passing a bad check, and reckless driving.

His mother, Felicia Stephens, 48, was also arrested back in 2011 for allegedly stabbing her husband with a pair of scissors. She is currently free on bail pending trial in Pennsylvania.

On Monday news broke of Clash having a sexual relationship with an underage boy and by Tuesday evening it was revealed the accuser had recanted his story. It’s believed Clash, via his lawyer, offered up an undisclosed amount to Stephens. Clash has since confirmed that “Yes, I am gay,” but still insists the sex was between two consensual adults. In an earlier statement, Clash stated the relationship between himself and Stephens didn’t begin until Stephens was 18 yeas old.

Are we surprised about Stephens?


About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)

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