GaGa’s Excessive Retouching on Vogue Cover


So we all know that 99.9% of all images in magazines are retouched in some way. A slimmer face, slimmer waist, a curve here and there, but this image of Lady Gaga takes the cake. Gaga was shot for the cover of Vogue’s 120th Anniversary Edition. Looking absolutely stunning, she is wearing Marc Jacobs electric purple mermaid gown, hair is styled in a majestic and tamed blonde afro, and her face has been beaten by God himself (Fashion term: her makeup is flawless). Gaga even went to Twitter, on August 9th, leaking the cover and tweeted, “I’m a COVERGIRL and its FAB.”

Now I love Mother Monster but her actual photo, which was taken by photographers Mert Alas and Marcus Piggot, portrays her in a different light. Gaga is seen in an extremely unflattering dress, her hair looks like the old wig you find in the back of the closet, and her face looks full and flat. I don’t blame Gaga for this travesty, I blame Vogue. They should have done a much better job in styling. I mean this is Gaga for goodness sake. We have seen numerous pictures of her looking gorgeous with and without make up.

I understand that Vogue is a high fashion magazine, but why go to this extreme? Couldn’t they have used a different dress or a different style of hair? It’s like they didn’t even try when it came to her actual photo shoot. How do you feel about the cover? Do you think it is too much or is it just a game they play when it comes to fashion?

(Images from and Jj/Bauer Griffin)


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I am new to blogging...but let me tell you I have been writing since I was 5 years old. My mom still has the mini books that I made in Kindergarten. As a single mother of two boys and a full blown Gemini, my outlook on life has many ups and downs. Nothing frees me more than writing. My biggest prayer is that my words help someone who is going through rough times and makes them smile...or at least laugh a little.

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