Homemade Natural Face Masks for All Skin Types


You best kept beauty secrets could be hiding right in your refrigerator. With so many products on the market blasting your skin with harsh chemicals sometimes your skin just needs to get back to basics. I’ve battled problem skin (acne, hyper-pigmentation) for years. Some of my best remedies for keeping it under control are actually found right in my kitchen.

Check out and try these at home facial masks made from natural ingredients.

Honey and Baking Soda (oily skin)

Typically this mask is used once or twice a week for gentle exfoliation. Honey naturally to be anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial. The baking soda gently lifts away dead skin cells and draws away oil. I have oily skin so this mask leaves my skin feeling soft and not too dry. Typically I mix about 3 tablespoons of organic honey and 3 tablespoons of baking soda in a bowl. I add a few drops of water (about 2 teaspoons) so that it’s easier to mix. Once it becomes a thick paste, gently rub the mask over your face. I’d avoid the eyes because baking soda STINGS if it gets in your eye. Leave on for 10 minutes to an hour. Rinse with warm water and pat dry. To avoid over drying, apply your favorite moisturizer.

Honey, Oatmeal, and Yogurt (all skin types)

We’ve already discussed how honey can help soothe your skin, but what about oatmeal and yogurt? Many of us who suffered from chicken pox may remember taking an oatmeal bath. Oatmeal helps sooth the skin and ease irritations. If you have acne, you know how inflamed some pimples can become. Using oatmeal and honey together should help bring down the pain and redness. Milk products naturally add moisture to your skin which should help ease some of the dryness.

Mix ingredients together to make a thick paste. You’ll want to experiment with different portions of each ingredient depending on the needs of your skin. It’s typically best to start off with a bit more oatmeal and equal parts honey and yogurt. Apply the paste to damp skin and let dry. Rinse with warm water and pat dry. Always follow up with your favorite moisturizer.

Thanks to @n1ne_livez for the suggestion!

Avocado and Grapefruit (normal – oily)

Remember all the old movies with women walking around with green masks and cucumbers on their eyes? Turns out it wasn’t just for the cameras. An avocado and grapefruit masks is purifying for all skin types. Avocado is a natural germ fighter that can help combat the bacteria that leads to acne. It’s also a great moisturizer. Grapefruit works like an astringent to cleanse and zap oil out of your skin.

The majority of your mix should be avocado with a splash of grapefruit (3:1 ratio). Apply the mask to your face and let sit for about 20 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water and pat dry. If you skin feels dry, follow up with a moisturizer.

Thanks to @GinaMontana_ for the great suggestion!

Dark Chocolate (dry skin)

Who doesn’t love chocolate? Turns out putting it on your face is a great remedy for dry skin. Dark chocolate contains antioxidants, essential skin vitamins like Vitamin E, and ingredients that aid cell repair. Follow the simple recipe from the Beauty section of about.com to try this mask.

You will need:

1 bar dark chocolate

3 tbsp salt

1 cup milk

Mix the Milk and Salt

Into a small bowl, pour in your cup of milk. Add in three tablespoons of salt and mix everything together so the salt dissolves.

Melt the Chocolate

Set up double boiler. Fill the saucepan quarter full and place a small bowl on top so it doesn’t touch the water. Set the heat to medium. Break chocolate into pieces so the chocolate melts faster and place it into the bowl. Stir it with a whisk so it melts more evenly. When it is completely melted, take it off the heat

Mix the Face Mask Ingredients

Add milk-salt mixture to the melted chocolate and stir it together so everything combines. Cool the mixture until the room temperature.

Apply to the Chocolate Face Mask

Cover yourself with a towel so the melted chocolate doesn’t ruin your clothes. Apply to your face with a wooden stick or your hand. Make sure that the mask is not hot so it doesn’t burn your face. Let it stay for about 15-20 minutes while you read, lay down, or relax. Then wash it off with a mild cleanser and water. Be thorough so you don’t end up smelling like dessert for the rest of the day.


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