Kerry Washington Would Not Have Starred In “Scandal” If The President Was Black…



This is certainly an interesting statement to make. When I first read that Kerry Washington would have rejected the role of Olivia Pope on popular ABC drama “Scandal” if the President had been black I immediately thought how much backlash that statement would garner. In fact, Washington was previously in a long term relationship and engaged to fellow actor David Moscow, who also happens to be white. During her relationship with Moscow, Washington faced criticism in the black community for dating outside of her race so with a statement like the one she made alarms went off.

The President is actually played by Tony Goldwyn (pictured above with Washington). He is engaged in a passionate, heart wrenching love affair with Olivia Pope, his mistress.

The truth is, Washington’s statement shouldn’t bring about any controversy . She goes on to explain her stance on why she wouldn’t have done the show with a black President.

In a recent interview she tells Ebony magazine, “I was a little concerned because [the character has] a scandalous relationship with the [occupant of the] White House. I thought, ‘If the president on the show is Black, I will not do the show.’ Because to me, it was too important a moment. I didn’t want to do anything that compromised my relationship with the [president] or that made it seem like I had an insider view on the Obama presidency […] I thought that would be so disrespectful and so against all the work that I had done.”

Washington served as one of President Barack Obama‘s biggest supporters and even spoke at the 2012 Democratic National Convention.

In my opinion, she actually makes a great point. During Obama’s 2012 campaign, there were jokes made on social media referencing Washington having an affair with President Obama in slew of her character Olivia Pope. Although the jokes were not meant to be taken seriously, in a world of the politically correct it could have stirred the pot and brought on some negative attention.

What are your thoughts? Do you agree with Kerry?
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About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)


  1. Kia on

    kinda has a point

  2. Sarah on

    Scandal would have also been a “black show” if the president and Kerry’s character Olivia were both black. I don’t think it would be as popular if that was the case. I agree with Kerry, for whatever reasons she’s making and other reasons.

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