Rich Dollaz & Erica Mena of ‘Love & Hip Hop’ Engaged! Or Maybe Not…..



Rich Dollaz is engaged to ‘Love and Hip Hop’ co-star Erica Mena. Although Erica was introduced on season 2 of the hit reality show as the budding artist, she is now a fiancee to singer Olivia’s manager Rich Dollaz.

The two have denied dating in the past year although being spotted together on many occasions but it was Thursday night’s premiere party that they not only confirmed they’re together but they plan on getting married. And guess what? She doesn’t have a ring just yet. Hmmm….okay a proposal with no ring. Guess she’s not the first but that’s just tacky. But it get’s better. After confirming to multiple media outlets last night Rich is now denying he’s even engaged! Here’s what he told Global Grind.

“No, I’m not! I’m not engaged. Rich Dollaz is not engaged.

What happened was, I ain’t gonna say shorty was lying or nothin’, but Erica had taken some pictures on Instagram of some wedding magazine. A girl [at the party] asked her about it and asked if she was getting married and I SARCASTICALLY said ‘Yeah, we’re getting married. Uh huh, next week we’re getting married.’ She took that, and I don’t know if the music was loud and the liquor was flowing, and she could be serious. But I was not. I was not.”


Erica girl, we thought you were crazy but Rich is clearly missing a few marbles.

So are these two engaged or not engaged?! Guess, we shall see on the upcoming season of ‘L&HH’. How convenient isn’t it? To make a big announcement right before the new season starts, PR at it’s finest.

Here’s the couple at Thursday night’s premiere party.


The new season of ‘L&HH’ begins January 7th.

Spotted: Tattle Tailzz

(Photo: Global Grind)


About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)


  1. sassy24 on

    who knows I agree getting e.ngaged without a ring is tacky so is buying your own

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  3. RavenDecor on

    Erica is crazy what man in his right mind can handle such a loose cannon.

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