Miley Cyrus Says People Are “Overthinking” Her VMAs Performance



Miley Cyrus seems to think we’re all tripping over her “twerking mack nasty” VMAs performance with Robin Thicke.

Of the memorable performance Cyrus stated, “Me and Robin the whole time said, ‘You know, we’re about to make history right now,'” during an exclusive interview with MTV.

She goes on to defend her actions by pointing out similar controversy other pop stars have faced. “I don’t pay attention to the negative because I’ve seen this play out so many times,” Cyrus says. “Madonna’s done it. Britney’s done it. Every VMA performance, that’s what you’re looking for; you’re wanting to make history,” she added.

And make history they did. How about the most talked about trending topic on Twitter, for instance.

Although, we wouldn’t say it was in the best light. Perhaps, for one of the most bizarre and critiqued VMAs performance yet.

“What’s amazing is I think now, we’re three days later (following the VMAs) and people are still talking about it,” Cyrus again added.

“They’re overthinking it … You’re thinking about it more than I thought about it when I did it. Like, I didn’t even think about it ’cause that’s just me.”

Let’s rehash her VMAs performance, shall we?

And to listen to more of Miley’s interview with MTV see below.

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Miley Cyrus, Music News


About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)


  1. Over-thinking it? girl bye!!!

  2. yazmar on

    This talentless, drugged out stank box is delusional

  3. KiaSoto on

    smh she has become the trending topic for the last 2 weeks its ridiculous

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