Nicki Minaj vs. Funkmaster Flex Over Summer Jam Falling Out



Nicki Minaj decided to call in to HoT 97’s Funkmaster Flex over a falling out over cancelling her Summer Jam performance. Although Nicki suggested she was advised by Lil’ Wayne to not do the show many people wondered why she would let her fans down and not perform.

In regards to her fans she says, “When you disrespect Nicki Minaj you’re disrespecting my fans.”

The duo went back on forth debating (talking over each other) on whether the comment should have been made at the event and the successes she’s had as the only female emcee dominating the industry.

Nicki says, “I was the only woman representing on Summer Jam stage.”

The main issue here is that it wasn’t Funkmaster Flex’s fight. Rosenberg made the comment then Rosenberg should have spoken to Nicki and even Wayne directly. Flex went on to say he would ruin Nicki’s career because he was upset that she didn’t take the stage.

Check out the 3 part interview and listen to the showdown.

This interview was so all over the place. Rappers/DJ’s diss each other all the time. It’s been apart of Hip Hop history to battle/debate each other. Although Nicki felt disrespected as a female emcee it wasn’t about being a woman. Isn’t she in a long battle/feud with another female emcee? The statement was regarding a few of her singles not being Hip Hop because they are pop singles.

And just what did Nicki’s rival Lil’ Kim have to say about the interview?

She tweeted, “Smfh so disappointed in Flex this is Nonsense !!! On my way to my show …Over this ! Nebraska !!! See u in a few !

And there you have it.

What are your thoughts? Did Nicki make some valid points or should she have suck it up and perform?

(Photo: Tattle Tailzz )


About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)

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