Rihanna Visits Chelsea Lately


Rihanna Visits Chelsea Lately

Rihanna stopped by the ‘Chelsea Lately’ show last night to discuss her current tour, the lack of black people in Australia, and her birthday party. Interesting conversation. Chelsea’s show is currently filming in Australia by the way. Here’s what Rihanna had to say.

On Loving Australia
I’ve been to Australia a few times before but for some reason this time, I’m actually starting to notice the real beauty in the city. I guess I’m staying in better hotels this year but my view is just insane. Every city I go to I’m just like “Oh My God, Australia is just so beautiful. I’m really love it….I’m enjoying my time here. Not to mention the shows are going really, really well.

On not seeing many black people
I can’t even front because every time I’m on stage and I see someone black….actually, you notice it. It’s like such a thing to notice because It’s really weird to see black people here. I know it has to do with the history of this country but it really is extraordinary when you see one. There usually, really, really, really dark, which is beautiful but you only see that here.

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About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)


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