Shoppers Across The Country Cause Mayhem In Search of The New Air Jordan 11 Concords


Air Jordans No. 11

For some Christmas is a religious holiday, celebrating the birth and life of Jesus Christ, for others it’s a day to give and receive presents and for some its the time of year to act a fool! Clearly, these people below are fools.

Just this morning, many media outlets began reporting the mayhem and disturbance across the country, among shoppers seeking the new Air Jordan 11- Concords. Why the frenzy? The sneakers, originally released in 1996 is said to be a defining shoe in Michael Jordan’s career. They went on sale, Friday night, for $180, in a limited release. At the time of its release Jordan and the Bulls dominated the league.

Reports have, so far, surfaced  in Alexandria LA, and Seattle, WA where thousands of shoppers destroyed local malls, broke out into fights and some have even gone to jail.

In Alexandria, LA, the crowd pushed so hard against the glass door entrance of one the locals malls that the door gave way; falling on the crowd. Although, battered and bruised, no one was seriously injured, luckily.

In Seattle, shoppers broke down barricades, pushed and shoved each other which eventually resulted into a fight where police intervened. Police officers even began pepper spraying the unruly crowd in an attempt to seize the madness.

Reports have also surfaced in California, Atlanta and New York.

Following the reports, Nike issued this statement, “Consumer safety and security is of paramount importance. We encourage anyone wishing to purchase our product to do so in a respectful and safe manner.”

Let’s take a look at one of those incidences. Things get ugly at Atlanta’s Metro Mall.

Race for New Air Jordan Sneakers Turns Ugly at a Metro Atlanta Mall:

Whatever happened to just being happy around the holidays, spending time with family and friends over a warm meal and giving back to the less fortunate? This is sad.

(Source: Fox/Huffington Post/ESPN)

About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)

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