Tamar Reveals She Initially Felt Unattached To Baby Logan (GMA Interview)



Just this morning, Tamar Braxton shared the first photos of newborn baby boy, Logan Herbert. Now the new mom is sharing her experience as a first time mom — something she discussed heavily during her ‘Good Morning America’ interview.

Braxton admits to feeling unattached to her son initially. She says, “I loved him, you know. But I wasn’t like ‘oh, gosh, yes my baby, ooh,’ you know. It wasn’t that. It was more like what do I do now, you know? You’re in shock….And you know, it took me a few days to really, like, come to terms with the fact that I am a mom and this is my baby.”

On Questioning Being A Mother
“Well you know, I was questioning my motherhood. … Like, is this a mistake that God made? Or like, is this something that I need to hand over to my husband because he and the baby connected instantly. And I wanted that. And I guess I was a little jealous, pretty much. Am I being really honest here? I guess I am.”

“I guess in a sense I did feel unattached because you know, I really, really wanted to connect with him because I wanted to breast-feed. And when he didn’t latch on and when I couldn’t produce milk I just felt like, ‘Is this the wrong child?’ You know what I mean? ‘Am I the wrong mother?'”

On Finally Connecting With Her Baby
“When he finally latched on I felt like he got me and I got him and this was all meant to be….I am very happy. I feel complete … he is the best thing that ever happened to me.”

Here’s Tamar’s full GMA interview



About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)


  1. kia soto on

    i hoppe she is not suffering from post pardum depression

  2. NicolaGossips on

    I think it’s normal. So many new moms lie about how “wonderful” the experience is. It’s not all roses and unicorns.

  3. Ciera Chantál on

    He’s a cutie..I know some women may feel the same way Tamar felt after giving birth, especially if you can’t nurse.

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