Did Target Refuse To Sell Frank Ocean’s Album, ‘Channel Orange’, After His Coming Out?



Could this be true? It’s been a week since singer/songwriter Frank Ocean publically revealed to the world that he is bisexual. He even went on to disclose, in a public letter via his official Tumblr, his first love was even a man. Now, it’s reported, retailer Target is refusing to sell Frank’s debut album, ‘Channel Orange’.

With all the media coverage and promotion he’s garnered since breaking the news, Ocean decided to release his album a week early on iTunes, Tuesday night. However, Target wasn’t too happy about it. They’re refusing to carry the album in their stores.

Frank Ocean’s manager, Christian Clancy, responded to the backlash via his twitter page. He wrote, “Target has refused to carry Franks album because of iTunes exclusive. Interesting since they also donate to non equal rights organizations.”.
He also tweeted a message suggesting the decision was made due to Frank’s own decision to expose his sexual orientation.

That tweet has since been deleted.

Why all the hate Target? If true, this is the first time a retailer has taken any kind of stand on an artists sexual orientation.

In my opinion, Frank Ocean has every right to discuss his sexual orientation as he pleases. Even if, as some suggested, it was to garner further promotion for his debut album. He is an artist and as an artist he should be able to express himself as he chooses. It’s perhaps better that the decision was made by him and not through a secondary source.

Source: TattleTailzz


About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)

1 Comment

  1. There is no way that Target would ban Frankie because he was Gay. I think this issue stems from a something going on from a contract perspective and ocean dropping his album early. If that was the case then Target would have to no sell Elton John, Adam Lambert or cla Aiken.

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