Keep Your Cat Calls: How Not to Approach a Woman



Dear Men,

Before you test your latest pick up line on a woman you find attractive, just think before speaking, and especially before approaching.

Recently I was unfortunately verbally attacked by a man who thought his advances were warranted and needed a response. The experience left me shaken and disappointed with the male species. Although one isolated is no reason to totally warn off male advances, I was disgusted by the notion a woman must respond to a man she clearly has no interest in speaking to or even potentially dating. And while a man’s attempt to make small talk doesn’t necessarily mean he’s “interested” and that I “can’t at least response” when being spoken to, here’s the thing, I DON’T HAVE TO! PERIOD.

What was most shocking? The group of men in the vicinity of the incident. They looked on doing nothing while the guy berated me.

A male friend tried his best to explain the man’s perspective and why he may have felt frustrated. I ‘ll tell you the same I told him: ‘A man’s pride being hurt because I did not respond to his advances, as innocent as they may be, is not my problem.’

Here are five reasons a woman is not obligated to respond to your advances.
1. She does not not know you: You’re a stranger, correct? She has no idea what kind of person you are or aren’t and doesn’t have to acknowledge you. Perhaps, she doesn’t feel safe.

2. She has no obligations to you: Again, a woman doesn’t have to acknowledge you if she chooses not to. Therefore, there’s no reason you should feel ENTITLED, to a response.

3. It’s a woman’s right to choose whom she speaks or doesn’t speak to, in the same that a woman has the right to do with her body what she chooses.

4. Think about what you would tell your daughter, mother, sister, and wife in a similar situation? You’d probably warn her of speaking to strange men on the street too right? If so, think about that the next time you approach a woman.

5. There’s a time and place for everything. Perhaps cat calling a woman on the street is not the best way to approach her. Your best chances are in settings where she’ll feel totally comfortable and more likely to respond in a way so your feelings can get spared.

And if my opinion hasn’t made a position impression on you in the least, here’s one woman’s experience, in a single day, while walking 10 around New York City. And please take note, most women experience this daily. Her not responding is the best response she may possibly give you.

Harassment or mere compliments? You decide.


About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)

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