President Barack Obama & First Lady Michelle Obama At Odds With Oprah?!



Where was Oprah? All weekend we watched as President Obama, the First Lady and celebs prepared for the 2013 Presidential Inauguration and Ball. But someone was clearly out of site. And that’s Lady O.

Back in 2009, Oprah was one of Obama’s biggest supporters. She even invited the then governor on her daytime talk show, and single-handedly, introduced him to millions of Americans. She was even given credit for helping him win the election when she donated millions to his 2008-2009 campaign. However, this time around Oprah has been surprisingly quiet. So we’re curious. Could something be wrong between the Obamas and the talk show queen? We certainly hope not!

Oprah was not only visibly absent from all the Inaugural fuss this week she also seemed less enthusiast during Obama’s 2012 re-election. In fact, we can’t remember her being on the campaign trail. Can you? Unless, she was a silent sponsor of course.

In lady O’s defense, however, she did post this below photo on Instagram with the caption, “Yes”


She also posted the above photo of herself and the Obamas about a week ago adding, “What a wonderful day!”

Oprah seems to still be in good spirits. Whatever it is we hope it’s nothing personal.

(Photos: Instagram/Oprah)


About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)

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